“Failing To Prepare Is Preparing To Fail” — Benjamin Franklin
Marathon is a distance equals twenty six point two miles. Even if you want to run a marathon just to finish it, you need to invest your time into appropriate preparation. Hence, the most efficient way to prepare for a marathon is having a plan.
Marathon training cycle usually lasts anywhere from 16 to 24 weeks depending on your running background and time available for preparation. Usually good training plan consists from periodized program:
Aerobic base. That's where you work on aerobic development. This level helps you strengthen you heart, increase amount of oxygen delivered to working muscles, builds up endurance and stamina. In running circles there's a common saying: 'The bigger base the higher pyramid will be', which means that it will be more efficiently to go through next training phases and there's a good chance of having a strong race. This phase should include only aerobic runs, once a week can be done an easy fartlek and of course a long run, that can be done on somewhat hilly terrain. Aerobic conditioning can be done during 4-16 weeks depending on your running experience and time available for preparation.
Hill training. This phase works on strengthening running muscles, improves endurance, makes you mentally stronger. Hills can be done 1-2 time per week depending on your fitness level and how your body responds to training. Hill phase can last anywhere from 2 to 8 weeks.
Anaerobic. This phase is focused on interval training that will teach your body to work with deficit of oxygen. This level is very hard on the body and it is not recommended for beginners before they get appropriate aerobic base. It is better to undergo then overdo. This phase lasts 2-6 weeks.
Integration. This phase combines everything your body learned on previous phases, it has more race pace specific workouts. This stage should last about 4 weeks.
Taper. It's a final stage of marathon preparation. Your body did all the work, now time to maintain your fitness while reducing weekly volume and intensity. That's the time when your body replenishes all its storages and prepares for its peak performance on the race day. At that stage people tend to get worried that because of lower load they may not be able to run a good marathon, however additional rest and lower load does the magic. Trust the process. This phase can last 2-3 weeks depending on your fitness level.
Few general tips for optimal marathon preparation:
build up to max weekly volume at least to 40 miles weekly
do not increase weekly volume for more than 10% per week and no more than 10% per training cycle
every hard effort should be followed by easier effort
run minimum 4 times per week, better 5 with 1 long run (1.5-2.5 hours)
load should be progressive
Following a good training plan is the key to successful marathon preparation.
If you are looking for a custom training program created based on your fitness level and your goals, please reach out Lomonosovi.com so we can discuss how I can make faster, stronger and more efficient runner.
My instagram: @lyutsik